Kicking Butt and taking names

I was having brunch with an actor friend and we did as actors do, somewhat bemoaning how tough it is in this industry to make headway and get work, when she told me that she’s reframing the way she looks at pursuing employment.  She realized this whole auditioning in a room of a bunch of strangers that don’t know what they want with a miniscule chance at getting the role process feels very powerless.  So she’s no longer pursuing that.

Instead, she’s going to work at building relationships with up and coming filmmakers.  She sees herself in independent films so it makes sense that she build relationships with her future employers.  This means connecting with them on social media, going to film festivals and watching their progress, and knowing who is upcoming and making projects that she would be right for.  Logically it seems that they would think of her when it comes time to cast their films.

Hear hear Kristen!  I love to hear of fellow actors taking charge of their career and hustling to get what they want, rather than leaving it up to someone else.  Believe me when I say that owning your own business and being responsible for getting your own work is hard.  Why do you think that only 6.6% of the US workforce is self-employed?  It’s much easier to have someone tell you what to do.  But if you want to take ownership in your career and feel that you had a say in every piece of art you created, you have to do the work.  I just booked my 9th commercial for this year.  It’s been my most successful year to date, easily surpassing 10 years combined of acting.  Out of those 9 commercials, I procured 5 of them.  The rest were through my agent.

Though this blog has gone into remission (anyone else miss it dearly??) The Working Actress had the best tagline:

Welcome to the Hustle

I love it.  Even though she was and is a steadily working actress who has made great progress in her career, she hustles and works at working.  It always amazes me when I meet “actors” who complain about not getting an agent or work, but all they do is clock in at their waiter job and wait for acting work to pursue them.  I feel like shaking them and asking “what are you doing here???  Go live some place much cheaper that won’t suck your soul into Sheoul if you just want to waste time.”  This is your career, your art, your you.  Own it.

One thought on “Kicking Butt and taking names

  1. I think you have what it takes. You hussle, work hard, you believe in yourself, and you believe in God. I think you will be successful in all you do, whether it is by the world’s standards or not. You are successful in the eyes of God.

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