Interesting people are….interested

Have you had that conversation with someone where it’s clear they just want to tell you about what they’re doing?  I admit to being that person occasionally, so amped up about what I’ve been doing I can’t wait to share it with everyone.  But that person becomes a real drag if everytime you meet them the conversation (or lack thereof, as it’s really only them “conversing”) turns to what they’re up to and what they want, and how frustrated they are with their career.  Ugh.  Next person, please.

I think this is particularly easy for 2 types of people-

1. actors

2. parents

Perhaps it’s because what we do, whether it be diapering, or looking for our next gig, is all consuming.  We don’t get a 9-5 and check out at a certain time.  We’re on call all the time.  Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not comparing acting to parenting in a way that would suggest the two jobs are equally hard, I’m just referring to the amount of headspace each takes.  It’s natural that something we are working at all the time would be at the forefront of our conversations.  I can tell you with brutal honestly, however, that after maybe 3 stories about your kids, I’m out of there.  And I would be willing to believe that after the third conversation about how you can’t get a theatrical agent, others feel the same.

My best friends mom is the best conversationalist I have ever met.  I’ve never in my life met someone so natural, caring, interested and invested in every conversation she has.  She asks the best, probing questions, and it’s so obvious that she’s not asking out of politeness or feigned regard.  She is actually…Interested.  That’s why she’s easy to talk to.  She takes it one step further, though.  I have a tendency to be interested in what other people do and their stories because I’m a knowledge hog.  I want to know everything about everything.  I’m interested in the thing.  She, however, is interested in the person.  Everyone loves her for it, and I’m convinced she would make a brilliant CIA agent- no terrorist could resist her!

This blog is as much for me as it is for you.  Be interested in people, things, ideas and dreams.  And not just yourself, your things, your ideas and your dreams.  If you want others to be invested in your hopes and dreams, you need to invest in theirs.  I can’t think of a better place than one where we’re all devoted to advancing one anothers interests and ideas.  It’s an old saying, but it’s absolutely true:

Interesting people are interested

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